Quickpost: Unadjudicated MRG poses problems for water management
Please see Aquadoc's site for the context, but here's the quick link to a paper by Pease (2010) on the difficulties of managing (and transferring) water in an unadjudicated basin in New Mexico. Yes, it's the Middle Rio Grande. There are lessons here for all Westerners, particularly if you live in an unadjudicated basin. h/t to MC.
Addendum: The entire issue of the JCWRE is available on-line here. The article by Pease is only one of several on water re-allocation issues in the Western U.S.
Addendum: The entire issue of the JCWRE is available on-line here. The article by Pease is only one of several on water re-allocation issues in the Western U.S.