Quickpost: New acequia work!
This is a quick post to acknowledge Michael Cox's (2010) recent dissertation, completed at Indiana University, in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA), on the Taos Valley acequias as an integrated social and ecological institution and system. Although largely positive on certain qualities or characteristics of many acequias, Cox sounds a warning note about economic factors that may lead to water leaving the acequia and it's worth the read. So even if acequias are able to weather one side of constant change (climate - global change), it's the economics and political economics that may ultimately create problems for them. It shows how the "double exposures" (Leichenko and O'Brien 2008) of global change and globalization may not work in balance when pressuring local resource management systems. This goes straight to the entire 3mb+ dissertation (.pdf) document if you want full details on this work. Congratulations Michael!