Pre-trip field note: Taos
Yet another surface water transfer along an acequia is up for a decision by the ditch's commissioners. This time, it's in the Taos area - the Pacheco ditch. The hearing is set for 5 p.m. at the Juan I. Gonzales Taos County Agricultural Center, 202 Chamisa Road, which lies on the south side of Taos. The notice is posted here, as a .pdf, for the public hearing (TVAA link).
I've written about a few of these applications, notably the Chupadero case and the Cook case (Espanola), and so far it's been a challenge for transfer applicants to get approval by acequia commissioners. These new transfer by-law measures, if they have been adopted by ditch commissioners and parciantes, offer an added measure of protection from water transfers that do not fall under the purview of the OSE. Applicants must plead their case to the commission, and the burden of proof is on them to document that the transfer would not harm the other irrigators on the ditch. Of course, the commissioners cannot come off as fickle or glib in their decision-making, but it does put a burden of responsibility on them, too. Governance cuts both ways - added local powers call for and invoke some added degree of burden for commissioners.
All of the parciantes who show up get a voice, an opportunity to discuss impairment or "detriment" to the ditch, so it should be fun to watch. I'll also get a chance to catch up with some people up in Taos, including some water attorneys and parciantes. I will post an update on Wednesday or Thursday regarding the hearing.
