Poll closing: threats to acequias

OK - somewhat disappointing that only n=6 on the poll that just closed; on "what is the most immediate threat" to acequias, people were evently split on three of the four choices, and the only category that didn't get a single nod was bureaucracy. Water transfers, delinquent parciantes, and urban water demands were balanced in terms of any perception of imminent threat. And these are scaled aspects, one is internal (parciantes), one is slightly less local (transfer), while the last category of urban water is clearly exogenous - an external threat. Obviously, savvy readers can easily tie together the fact that many current or soon-to-be transfer applications are driven by urban water demands, and an ever-increasing demographic pressure on utilities to service those new demands. Witness population growth in the metro Santa Fe area (graph, from SFe Review). And this "urban" demand is usually, sometimes casually disguised as "suburban" demand. Adobe designs are not exactly a sore thumb on the landscape - thus making it harder to appreciate what the impacts really are in particular basins. Don't believe it? Drive between Tesuque and S.Fe and try counting roof-tops.
Thanks to those who took the poll; another will be up shortly. Keep in mind these are for novelty entertainment purposes only; with an n=6 and no systematic random sample, you should not take offense at either the questions, or the results. I'll leave these results up for another day or so, then move on. Saludos!


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