The Urbanization of New Mexican Water

A drive and visit to the South Valley yesterday was worthwhile. Melanie S has a friend who lives in the SV and knows James Maestas personally, the latter being the principal character in the rejuvenation and re-creation of the South Valley Acequias (Association). James, with Tom's help, recounted how long it had taken to reform the organization, if not a new ditch route due to an uncooperative neighbor, with some help and support from the NMAA.
One of the aspects that was notable was the amount of free-riding bad behavior displayed by folks more interested in the total net worth of their water right, rather than just being a decent neighbor, and the role played by a local water broker. The dynamics of the acequia-MRGCD relationship will be one tough ball of yarn to unravel, I suspect, given the district's attitude about water resources under 'their' jurisdiction.
More, we're off to the Mora and Gallinas Valleys, then the Jicarita 'bypass' up through to Taos for a couple of days.


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