To the belly of the beast...
I will be visiting with some folks from the South Valley Acequia Association next week in order to see how they plan on responding to both the MRGCD and the OSE's plans to start pre-adjudication of the section of the Rio Grande that runs through Albuquerque, though technically MRGCD manages the water between Cochiti Dam and Socorro, near Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge. Since the establishment of the conservancy district in the 1920s (1925 to be precise), they have had great leeway in the management and governance of water in between the two points (Cochiti and Bosque del A), and have had sometimes tense relationships with the State Engineer's office in Santa Fe.
Next Thursday and Friday we'll be in Taos, where there is a lecture/public forum on acequias with Drs. Lamadrid, Rodriguez (both at UNM) and Juan Estevan Arellano (Embudo, NM), and I hope to catch up with Fred Waltz as well. More later...
Next Thursday and Friday we'll be in Taos, where there is a lecture/public forum on acequias with Drs. Lamadrid, Rodriguez (both at UNM) and Juan Estevan Arellano (Embudo, NM), and I hope to catch up with Fred Waltz as well. More later...