Acequia Subcommittee Meeting NOT (10.26.09)

In a move that could be regarded as "nihilist," I'm blogging today about...nothing. I have nothing to write because, well, nothing happened. Too opaque? One of the interim committees of the New Mexico state legislature is the Water and Natural Resource Committee, with its smaller subcommittee on acequias. No problem - their meeting was set months ago for today, Monday, October 26, 2009. Place: Northern New Mexico College. It looked like a fascinating agenda, set to start at 9a.m. sharp, and guests and testimony from parciantes from at least a dozen different regions of New Mexico. Here is a photo of the packed room at NNMC, rooms 101-102.

Scratching your head? I was too. It apparently was cancelled on Friday, much to my...well, let's call it "consternation" to keep the G rating on this blog. The second photo is taken from inside the meeting room (not), the weather this morning - not bad, even if there was a little freezing fog in the Espanola area. But seriously - were the legislators too tired after their special session? Were they simply depressed because of the budget cuts? We'll never know. But as Yoda might say, "disappointed I was."


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