Nice ideas, but will they pass?

So it's been confirmed that the House and the Senate both have bills, going to "mark up" in sub-committees, on the federal portion of the Aamodt and Abeyta adjudications. Both of these cases are "celebrating" 43rd and 40th anniversaries, respectively, so will it end this neatly? Will the Congress find the money (or more debt) to pay for these settlements?
In both cases, expensive projects are part of the plan, or as they bills refer to them "regional water systems" of one sort or another. It's clear that the Abeyta (Taos) case has a bit more community support and a little less friction in between the lines, so it will be an interesting way to track how the two adjudications have been handled by community, Pueblo, local, state, and finally...federal officials. But the "federal role" is to make sure there are funds in place. Will our Congress find the will to enact one, or both, of these settlements?
Stay tuned...
HR 3342 Aamodt settlement proposal (bill)
S 1105 "ditto" for the Senate..
You can track them both on


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